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Components and Usage

Building your first page and form

When building applications with React, there is an existing component library, react-uswds that our project extends for the purposes of building any RADFish application. These components maintain all functionality of react-uswds components, but are branded with NOAA themes and styles. These components live in react-radfish directory, and allow for development in a modern React environment with NOAA look and feel.

For reference on the full react-uswds library, you can reference the deployed storybook:


If you wanted to build a TextInput component into an existing form, you can use the @trussworks storybook reference related to component props that are available.

import { TextInput, Label } from "@trussworks/react-uswds";

<Label htmlFor="fullName">Full Name</Label>
placeholder="Full Name"
value={formData["fullName"] || ""}
aria-invalid={validationErrors.fullName ? "true" : "false"}
validationStatus={validationErrors.fullName ? "error" : undefined}
onBlur={(e) => handleBlur(e, fullNameValidators)}


Controlled forms are a key aspect of any NOAA application, and is used to collect data relevant to that application in the context of the user. This could be intaking data related to trip reports, admin applications, or similar types of scope.

For more specific information regarding how to build a form, you can reference the State Management portion of this documentation.


Tables are also a key component type for all NOAA applications. These components are usually meant for visualizing data in a user friendly manner. However, there are cases where having this data also be writable (ie: submittable) to a backend. Utilizing caching strategies with IndexedDB is an effective way to ensure that these types of components remain fully functional when offline.

For more specific information regarding how to build a table, you can reference the State Management portion of this documentation.