RADFish Custom Components
Most of RADFish uses standard components from React libraries and the U.S. Design System, as implemented by the react-uswds open source project.
Custom components which are not part of these standardized libraries are listed here:
📄️ Application Container
The Application container handles core application-wide functionality, including service worker integration, custom storage management, and network status detection. It provides a centralized way to manage these features within your app.
📄️ DatePicker
The DatePicker component is an essential, versitile, reusable form input. It's designed to capture date-related information from users. It is customizable, easy to integrate, and adheres to accessibility standards. It seamlessly integrates with NOAA web applications, so developers can build consistent, accessible, and user-friendly forms and data entry interfaces.
📄️ Table
The Table component is a flexible and customizable table designed for displaying sortable data.