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JavaScript w/JS Docs

  • Why we chose this: JavaScript, complemented by JS Docs, offers broad accessibility and ease of adoption for government contractors. This choice supports RADFish’s goal of standardizing frontend development without imposing the stricter typing system of TypeScript, balancing flexibility with documentation needs.
  • Trade-offs: The absence of TypeScript’s compile-time type checking increases reliance on runtime testing. However, for RADFish’s diverse and evolving project requirements, JavaScript’s flexibility is more beneficial, allowing for broader adoption among government contractors.

TypeScript provides static typing out of the box, offering compile-time type checking and reducing runtime errors. However, adopting TypeScript involves a steeper learning curve and potentially longer development times. Given RADFish's emphasis on ease of adoption and the existing familiarity within the developer community with JavaScript, JS Docs offers a balanced approach, providing some benefits of TypeScript without its overhead.

Additionally, TypeScript can always be leveraged by teams that wish to use it as migrating from JS to TypeScript is relatively straightforward and there are tools available to automate this process.