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Application Container

The Application container handles core application-wide functionality, including service worker integration, custom storage management, and network status detection. It provides a centralized way to manage these features within your app.


  1. Service Worker for Offline Caching

    The Application container supports service worker integration, enabling offline capabilities by caching static assets and handling API requests when the network is unavailable.

  2. Pluggable Storage

    Pass in IndexedDB or LocalStorage storage methods.

  3. Offline/Online Detection

    Automatically detects network changes and displays toast notifications:

    • Offline: Shows a warning toast with "Application is offline".
    • Online: Shows an informational toast with "Application is online".


Setting up Application instance

To use the Application container, instantiate it with your desired configuration:

import { Application } from "@nmfs-radfish/radfish";

const myApp = new Application({
serviceWorker: {
import.meta.env.MODE === "development"
? "/mockServiceWorker.js"
: "/service-worker.js",
storage: store, // Use IndexedDBMethod or LocalStorageMethod for offline storage

Using <Application>

Once instantiated, the Application instance should be passed to the <Application> component.

import { Application } from "@nmfs-radfish/react-radfish";

<Application application={myApp} />;

Distinguishing Application from @nmfs-radfish/radfish vs. @nmfs-radfish/react-radfish

@nmfs-radfish/radfish (Core)

  • Provides the underlying non-UI logic, such as the Application class for managing:
    • Offline support
    • Service workers
    • Storage (IndexedDB, LocalStorage)

@nmfs-radfish/react-radfish (React Integration)

  • Offers React components and hooks that make it easy to integrate Application container into a React app.
  • Provides:
    • <Application> component for wrapping your app with offline support.
    • Hooks like useOfflineStatus for checking network connectivity.
    • useOfflineStorage for managing offline storage state within React components.
  • This package is React-specific and simplifies working with the Application container in a React project.

In Other Words:

  • @nmfs-radfish/radfish = the engine (all the logic).
  • @nmfs-radfish/react-radfish = the React car that sits on top of the engine, making it easy to drive your offline-ready web app in React.