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Form Field Validators Example

This example shows you how to enforce field validation logic on certain fields within your form. The validator ensures that no numbers are allowed within the Full Name input field.

Learn more about RADFish examples at the official documentation. Refer to the RADFish GitHub repo for more information and code samples.


This example will render as shown in this screenshot:

Field Validators


1. Adding Validation with onBlur Handlers

In this step, we add validation logic to our form inputs using an onBlur handler. This ensures the data is validated when the user navigates away from the input field. It also provides immediate feedback on any validation errors.

This function validates the input value. It uses the validation rules and updates the state with any validation errors:

const handleBlur = (event, validators) => {
const { name, value } =;
setValidationErrors((prev) => ({
...handleInputValidationLogic(name, value, validators),

This helper function loops through the provided validators and checks if the input value passes the validation criteria. If not, it returns the appropriate error message:

const handleInputValidationLogic = (name, value, validators) => {
if (validators && validators.length > 0) {
for (let validator of validators) {
if (!validator.test(value)) {
return { [name]: validator.message };
return { [name]: null }; // Clear error if value is valid

Here’s how to use the onBlur handler in the TextInput component. The input dynamically sets its validation status and ARIA attributes based on validation errors:

placeholder="Full Name"
value={formData[FULL_NAME] || ""}
aria-invalid={validationErrors[FULL_NAME] ? "true" : "false"}
validationStatus={validationErrors[FULL_NAME] ? "error" : undefined}
onBlur={(e) => handleBlur(e, fullNameValidators)}

2. Testing with Validator

We include the validator needed to check the contents of the field input. In this case fullNameValidators has a single test that checks if the input contains a number. This array can include several tests for more complex validation logic. They are each included as separate objects within each validator array.

// utilities/fieldValidators.js
const fullNameValidators = [
test: (value) => !/\d/.test(value) || value === "",
message: "Full Name should not contain numbers.",

export { fullNameValidators };

// in Form.js
import { fullNameValidators } from "../utilities/fieldValidators";

3. Trigger Validation Logic and Render Error Message

We can update the properties on our input so the validation logic gets triggered when a user navigates away from the form field. We also conditionally render an ErrorMessage when there is an error present.

placeholder="Full Name"
value={formData[FULL_NAME] || ""}
aria-invalid={validationErrors[FULL_NAME] ? "true" : "false"}
validationStatus={validationErrors[FULL_NAME] ? "error" : undefined}
onBlur={(e) => handleBlur(e, fullNameValidators)}
validationErrors[FULL_NAME] && <ErrorMessage>{validationErrors[FULL_NAME]}</ErrorMessage>;