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Persisted Form Example

Official Documentation

This example shows you how to configure a persisted form that saves the data locally.

The FormWrapper component is a context provider for form data. It provides a context that contains the current form data, a function to update the form data, and a function to handle form input changes.

Learn more about RADFish examples at the official documentation


  • React, createContext, useState, useCallback: React library and hooks.
  • useParams: Hook from react-router-dom for accessing the current route parameters.
  • Form: Form component from the @nmfs-radfish/react-radfish library.
  • useOfflineStorage: Custom hook for accessing offline storage functions.


  • FormContext: The context created by FormWrapper. It provides the current form data, a function to update the form data, and a function to handle form input changes.


  • formData: The current form data. It's an object where each key is a form input name and each value is the corresponding form input value.


  • saveOfflineData(tableName, data): Saves the provided data to offline storage. The data is saved under the provided table name and is associated with the current route parameter id.
  • handleChange(event): Handles form input changes. It updates the formData state and saves the new form data to offline storage.

Rendered Components

  • Form: Renders a form with the provided onSubmit handler and children.


  • children: The children to be rendered inside the form.
  • onSubmit: The function to be called when the form is submitted.

useFormState Hook

The useFormState hook is a custom hook for accessing the FormContext.

Return Value

  • formData: The current form data.
  • setFormData: Function to update the form data.
  • handleChange: Function to handle form input changes.


  • Throws an error if used outside of a FormWrapper.


  1. In the index.jsx file, import the OfflineStorageWrapper, then create a configuration object:
import { OfflineStorageWrapper } from "@nmfs-radfish/react-radfish";

const offlineStorageConfig = {
// Type is either `indexedDB` or `localStorage`
type: "indexedDB",
// Database name
name: import.meta.env.VITE_INDEXED_DB_NAME,
// Database version number
version: import.meta.env.VITE_INDEXED_DB_VERSION,
// Table schema object must include the table name as the object key and a comma-separated string as the value. Please note `uuid` must be the first value in `formData` table.
stores: {
formData: "uuid, fullName, email, phoneNumber, numberOfFish, species, computedPrice, isDraft",
  1. In the index.jsx file, wrap the App component with OfflineStorageWrapper and pass the config object:
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root"));

<OfflineStorageWrapper config={offlineStorageConfig}>
<App />
  1. Use the provided FormWrapper context provider in this example, located in the /src/contexts/FormWrapper.jsx directory, to wrap child form components in a parent component. In this example App.jsx is the parent component.
    1. Create a handleOnSubmit handler and pass it to the wrapper:
const { createOfflineData } = useOfflineStorage();

const handleOnSubmit = (e) => {
const formData = new FormData(;
const values = {};

for (let [key, value] of formData.entries()) {
values[key] = value;

createOfflineData("formData", values);
// Handle form submission, usually by sending a POST request to a server
// Example:"/api/form", values)
console.log("Form submitted");

return (
<FormWrapper onSubmit={handleOnSubmit}>
<PersistedForm />
  1. Construct your form using the react-radfish components. See the /src/pages/Form.jsx file to see how to construct the form and use the methods available from FormWrapper.